Struggle to pray? Here is a helpful guide for you! 

Struggle to pray?
 Here is a helpful guide for you! 

click here!

Katie is a passionate evangelist, prayer leader, and storyteller with a heart to inspire bold faith and courageous living for Christ. As the founder of 30A Prays, Katie equips believers through transformative prayer training and gospel workshops, empowering them to step into their God-given calling with confidence.

With years of experience leading prayer and evangelism teams, Katie has shared the gospel with thousands and trained hundreds of Christians to pray boldly and live audaciously for God’s Kingdom. Her practical teaching style, coupled with her dynamic storytelling, ignites hope and stirs hearts to action.

Katie’s personal journey reflects her commitment to radical obedience. After moving 2,500 miles with her family in response to God’s call, she established 30A Prays to build a movement of faith and prayer along Florida’s 30A beaches and beyond. Her mission is to equip Christians to live boldly for Christ, overcome fear, and transform their communities through prayer and evangelism.

When she’s not leading workshops or prayer gatherings, Katie is a wife, homeschooling mom to three daughters, and an author of the forthcoming book Shameless Boldness: Living a Life of Bold Faith and Prayer.

Invite Katie to speak at your next event to inspire your audience with stories of God’s transformative power and equip them to live out their faith with boldness and joy.


visit Katie's blog

Our prayer tents serve as hubs where people can encounter the living God. These sacred spaces are places of bold prayer, hope, and Gospel proclamation.

At our tents, individuals are invited to receive prayer and experience the power of God’s love.

God is building 30A prays and we are faithfully following his lead. What began with a single prayer walk has grown to a grassroots, word-of-mouth movement, (thank you Instagram!) The people in 30A have begun to gather on Tuesdays at noon in Seaside, Fl to pray and contend for this region and the church in America. 

There are 5 aims of 30A prays: Building a hunger for prayer through cultivating a praying culture, equipping and mobilizing the church to be prepared to step out in faith and boldness, Prayer Evangelism; meeting the people where THEY are at such as our pop-up prayer tent events on the beaches, Prayer meetings; forming to pray in homes, churches, and lastly Prayer Outreaches where we host events to invite those we've prayed for to come celebrate and see a what a worshipping church looks like.

it started with a cross country move, then a simple prayer walk along the beach, 1 became 2... and it grew. We started with 1 pop-up tent on the beach.... and then it quickly became 5 tents over 15 miles of beaches praying for hundreds of young people across the country.

Now PRayer Tents are Popping up around the nationand world

The disciples asked Jesus for him to teach them 1 thing.... "teach us to pray" (Luke 11:1)

I believe there is a lack of opportunity to learn about prayer in an environment that creates practice. Our heart is to equip and mobilize a culture of prayer warriors who can be BOLD in obedience because they are equipped to hear the voice of the Lord and step out in BOLD faith.

My passion is helping to partner with churches to equip believers to pray and share the Gospel.

 Our Ministry helps get the church prepare
 by creating environments that allow practicing how to pray and share the Gospel. (2 Tim 4:2)

When we are equipped and have practiced, we can go out and be bold in sharing the gospel and praying for others in confidence.

I love to pray and I am obsessed calling people to step out and live in BOLD faith sharing the Gospel.

Igniting prayer

do want to bring a Workshop and prayer Tent to your community? 

click here!  

30A Prays

March and April of 2023 we held 2 prayer training classes, had almost 40 people join the team to partner in some way: morning prayer walks, serve on the team, and pray in the tents on beaches.

Spring Break Testimony

We prayed for hundreds of young people, as well as the old. High School and College students asked for prayer and were willing to share their hearts and struggles. 

We came expectant.... we had no idea the young people would be so open to the gospel. There were salvations, baptisms, and many many people touched by the love of God as we prayed for them. 
Since then we have led 9 Prayer Tent Outreaches and launched ministries around the globe!

We prayed for hundreds of young people, as well as the old. High School and College students asked for prayer and were willing to share their hearts and struggles. 

We came expectant.... we had no idea the young people would be so open to the gospel. There were salvations, baptisms, and many many people touched by the love of God as we prayed for them.

tell me more

30A Prays ?

Are you ready to bring the power of prayer to your community by starting your own prayer tent ministry with

Our mission is to actively pursue our vision by providing opportunities for individuals to encounter the power of prayer in a variety of ways. Our focus on five key areas allows us to cultivate a vibrant prayer culture and mobilize believers to share the Gospel:

1. Prayer Culture. We invest in building and creating a culture where prayer is at the center of everything we do. We aim to see believers of all churches and denominations come together with prayer as the central focus.   

2. Prayer Training. We empower believers through comprehensive training, equipping them to confidently share the Gospel and intercede effectively for others. By helping the Church "be prepared" through opportunities of practice and training (2 Tim 4:2), we cultivate boldness in proclaiming the Gospel and praying for others.

3. Prayer Evangelism. We establish Pop-Up Prayer Tent Hubs on the 30A beaches, creating spaces where individuals can encounter Jesus. These tents also serve as platforms for believers to grow in their faith by learning to pray for others and fearlessly share the Gospel.

4. Prayer Hubs. We establish various hubs across the 30A region, such as weekly Prayer Walks, a Prayer "house" on the beach, 30A Prayer Relay Walk, and dedicated days of Prayer and Worship. These hubs provide consistent and intentional spaces for prayer, worship, and spiritual growth.

5. Prayer Events. We organize purposeful weeks of outreach, culminating in powerful worship experiences, Gospel presentations, and opportunities for baptisms. These events create an atmosphere of faith, drawing individuals closer to God and facilitating life-changing encounters with Jesus.

Join us as we actively seek God's presence, and engage in prayer, evangelism, and worship, transforming lives, communities, and the 30A region through the power of prayer and the proclamation of the Gospel. Together, we can witness a region transformed by the power of God.

the Latest NEWS and UPDATES happen over @30APRAYS

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© 2023 Katie Campbell | 30A PRays